[SciPy-user] OT: python+maxima+latex for symolic stuff

Alan Isaac aisaac at american.edu
Tue Oct 18 12:35:53 EDT 2005

On Tue, 18 Oct 2005, Ryan Krauss wrote:
> I use python as a pre-processor for LaTeX.  Python takes
> out all of the maxima environments and builds an input
> script for maxima.  Python calls Maxima and tells it to
> run the script python created, saving each equation to a
> seperate output file (all very small).  Python then reads
> these output files and replaces the maxima environments
> with normal LaTeX equation environments with the output
> from maxima

I don't need this immediately but will remember it.
What it highlights I think is the need for an equivalent
of Python's subprocess module in LaTex.

Btw, is there a Python equivalent to perltex?

Alan Isaac

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