[SciPy-user] spherical harmonic
fredantispam at free.fr
Tue Aug 22 13:36:05 EDT 2006
fred a écrit :
> Hi,
> I'm playing with spherical harmonic (special.sph_harm()) and I
> don't understand what I get.
>>From Wolfram (http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SphericalHarmonic.html),
> Re_Y11.png, Im_Y11.png & mod_Y11.png seems to be correct
> http://fredantispam.free.fr/Re_Y11.png
> http://fredantispam.free.fr/Im_Y11.png
> http://fredantispam.free.fr/mod_Y11.png
> when I use
> r =
> (sqrt((2*n+1)/4.0/pi)*exp(0.5*(gammaln(n-m+1)-gammaln(n+m+1)))*sin(phi)*exp(1j*m*theta))**2
> But when I use special.sph_harm(m,n,theta,phi), I get this
> http://fredantispam.free.fr/Re_Y11_2.png
> http://fredantispam.free.fr/Im_Y11_2.png
> http://fredantispam.free.fr/mod_Y11_2.png
> Real & imaginary parts don't seem to be correct.
> What I'm doing wrong ?
Nobody has an answer or suggestion ???
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