[SciPy-user] blas/lapack issue on a freebsd box...

fred fredmfp at gmail.com
Wed Dec 6 03:04:39 EST 2006

Robert Kern a écrit :

>Check what libraries libalapack_r.so.1 wants to link againt with ldd(1) (at
>least that's what I'd do on a Linux; FreeBSD might use a different tool for
>this). It looks like your scipy.linalg.flapack module was not compiled against
>ATLAS correctly. Can you post the output of the following command (on scipy's
Bad news.
It seems it comes from atlas internals.

The problem is that atlas is not provided as a binary package with 
freebsd 6.2, and it takes several hours to build on my Pentium D 930... :-(



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