[SciPy-user] A Call to Arms - Advocating Python in Science

Jeff Rush jeff at taupro.com
Thu Dec 7 10:58:50 EST 2006

Greetings.  I've been lurking on this list, to check out what is needed to 
support Python in the scientific community.  I'm the Python Advocacy 
Coordinator that the PSF has hired to help out.

My main jumping off point for advocacy topics is at:


One of the items I'm hoping to get input about is the contents of two advocacy 
kits I'm getting together:

   - Research Lab Python Advocacy Kit
   - University Educator's Python Advocacy Kit

Details at:

I'm drumming up a series of whitepapers, flyers, videos and podcasts to put 
into those kits.  Not being a scientist myself, I need ideas on what is needed.

The actual individual items are being solicited at:


Next, we are seeking reusable/retargetable teaching materials, such as those 
under a Creative Commons license.  We need slide presentations and class 
handouts.  Now I know there are a great many slide presentations on the web 
about Python.  I can google them all but we're not looking for just any 
presentation, we're looking for the best of field.  We're collecting links and 
ideas at:


I know some of this already exists in the scientific community and I just need 
some nudges to come up to speed on what is available for me to make use of. 
Also permissions for reuse and reformatting, in some cases.

Thanks for any assistance you have time to provide,

Jeff Rush <advocate at python.org>
Python Advocacy Coordinator

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