[SciPy-user] SoC application enhancement

Darren Dale dd55 at cornell.edu
Wed May 17 07:43:00 EDT 2006

On Tuesday 16 May 2006 02:45, Edin Salković wrote:
>  * replace the existing bakoma truetype fonts with a set of good,
>   comprehensive, math fonts, eg, STIX (http://www.stixfonts.org/).
>   The STIX fonts should be available by the begining of June. Also,
>   the code should be refactored so that unicode names for symbols can
>   be used. This will allow plugging in any font that supports unicode
>   (STIX fonts already support unicode). Currently mathtext hardcodea
>   the mapping from TeX symbol name to a (font_file, glyph_index) tuple,
>   which ties mathtext to a given set of fonts (eg, the Bakoma fonts).
>   - 4 weeks -

Hopefully the stixfonts are on schedule, but I've been watching them for a 
year now, and in that time they have postponed the beta release several 
times. In fact, the release schedule on their website still claims a beta 
release in April 2006.


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