[SciPy-user] pyaudio 0.3, with docs !

David Cournapeau david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Nov 1 21:55:17 EST 2006

David Cournapeau wrote:
> Rob Hetland wrote:
>> One small change -- on my intel mac, I need to link to
>> /usr/local/lib/libsndfile.1.dylib
>> instead of the .so file.
> That's strange, it should have done it by itself. Could you launch a 
> python session and run the following:
> from numpy.distutils.system_info import so_ext
> print so_ext
Actually, I think I understand the problem: I assumed mac os X naming 
convention were the same than linux, except for the extension, but 
that's not true: it is called libsndfile.1.dylib, not 
libsndfile-1.0.17.dylib. I must confess I never really understood the 
library naming +version convention under any OS: it looks like they are 
all different in a subtle way. Do you know by any chance the rules for 
mac OS X ?

I actually have a minimac at home, I will try to see how 
numpy.core.distutils work on that platform tonight,



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