[SciPy-user] Regression report like in Excel

Brian Blais bblais at bryant.edu
Thu Nov 16 05:53:57 EST 2006


I was wondering if there is a function in numpy/scipy for returning/printing a
regression report like I get in Excel.  I know that some of the functions are there,
like the t-test, least square, etc. but is there a convenient wrapper for doing the
following (sorry for the wrapping, but I think you can get the point):

Regression Statistics						
Multiple R	0.26					
R Square	0.07					
Adjusted R Square	-0.01					
Standard Error	3.08					
Observations	55					
	df	SS	MS	F	Significance of F	
Regression	4	34.24	8.56	0.90	0.47	
Residual	50	474.87	9.50			
Total	54	509.11				
	Coefficients	Standard Error	t Stat	P-value	Lower 95%	Upper 95%
Intercept	-12.98	23.62	-0.55	0.59	-60.42	34.46
Ave Isotope Value C	-0.47	0.53	-0.89	0.38	-1.53	0.59
Ave Isotope Value Amt% C	0.42	0.29	1.42	0.16	-0.17	1.01
Ave Isotope Value N	0.13	0.23	0.60	0.55	-0.32	0.59
Ave Isotope Value Amt% N	1.17	1.13	1.04	0.30	-1.10	3.45


			Brian Blais


              bblais at bryant.edu

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