[SciPy-user] Installing scipy with fftw in non-standard location

Joris De Ridder joris at ster.kuleuven.ac.be
Tue Nov 21 10:55:07 EST 2006

Thanks, George. This seemed to solve the problem of finding the libraries:

  libraries rfftw,fftw not found in /software/fftw-2.1.5/
  libraries rfftw,fftw not found in /software/fftw-2.1.5/include
    libraries = ['rfftw', 'fftw']
    library_dirs = ['/software/fftw-2.1.5/lib']
    define_macros = [('SCIPY_FFTW_H', None)]
    include_dirs = ['/software/fftw-2.1.5/include']

I'm not sure that they're really included though. I guess (nowhere documented)
that I should be importing the FFTW functionality by

>>> from scipy.fftw import *

but there is no such (sub)module, only the standard fftpack module. Hence my doubts...

Thanks anyway,

On Tuesday 21 November 2006 15:46, George Nurser wrote:
   [GN]: On 21 Nov 2006, at 14:31, Joris De Ridder wrote:
   [GN]: >
   [GN]: > Thanks, Stefan, for your answer. I'm afraid, though, it didn't  
   [GN]: > solve the problem.
   [GN]: > Following your example, I tried a few more examples/combinations  
   [GN]: > but the setup
   [GN]: > script always states that
   [GN]: >
   [GN]: > fft_opt_info:
   [GN]: > fftw3_info:
   [GN]: >   libraries fftw3 not found in /software/Python-2.5/lib
   [GN]: >   libraries fftw3 not found in /usr/local/lib
   [GN]: >   libraries fftw3 not found in /usr/lib
   [GN]: >   fftw3 not found
   [GN]: >
   [GN]: > fftw2_info:
   [GN]: >   libraries rfftw,fftw not found in /software/Python-2.5/lib
   [GN]: >   libraries rfftw,fftw not found in /usr/local/lib
   [GN]: >   libraries rfftw,fftw not found in /usr/lib
   [GN]: >   fftw2 not found
   [GN]: >
   [GN]: > dfftw_info:
   [GN]: >   libraries drfftw,dfftw not found in /software/Python-2.5/lib
   [GN]: >   libraries drfftw,dfftw not found in /usr/local/lib
   [GN]: >   libraries drfftw,dfftw not found in /usr/lib
   [GN]: >   dfftw not found
   [GN]: >
   [GN]: > djbfft_info:
   [GN]: >
   [GN]: >
   [GN]: >
   [GN]: > Apparently, it ignored my pointer to the FFTW lib/include directories.
   [GN]: >
   [GN]: > As you perhaps guessed, I am trying to build
   [GN]: > Python2.5 + Atlas + Lapack + Numpy 1.0 + FFTW + scipy
   [GN]: > on a Suse Linux machine without root password. Hence my non- 
   [GN]: > standard directories.
   [GN]: > I got everything else working, only FFTW seems to fail.
   [GN]: >
   [GN]: > Any other help is still much appreciated!
   [GN]: >
   [GN]: > Cheers,
   [GN]: > Joris
   [GN]: I resorted to setting the environmental variable FFTW to the fftw  
   [GN]: directory; that is to the directory holding the include and lib fftw  
   [GN]: subdirectories.
   [GN]: This does seem to work
   [GN]: --George.
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