[SciPy-user] umfpack and building scipy from source
Ryan Krauss
ryanlists at gmail.com
Thu Nov 30 14:36:53 EST 2006
Following Robert Kern's advice I am getting very close. The API error
is now gone.
There is my current scipy.test() output.
In [4]: scipy.test()
Warning: FAILURE importing tests for <module 'scipy.linsolve.umfpack.umfpack' fr
om '...y\\linsolve\\umfpack\\umfpack.pyc'>
C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\scipy\linsolve\umfpack\tests\test_umfpack.py:17: A
ttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'umfpack' (in ?)
Found 4 tests for scipy.io.array_import
Found 2 tests for scipy.maxentropy.maxentropy
Found 1 tests for scipy.cluster.vq
Found 397 tests for scipy.ndimage
Found 98 tests for scipy.stats.stats
Found 53 tests for scipy.linalg.decomp
Found 3 tests for scipy.integrate.quadrature
Found 95 tests for scipy.sparse.sparse
Found 20 tests for scipy.fftpack.pseudo_diffs
Found 6 tests for scipy.optimize.optimize
Found 4 tests for scipy.signal.signaltools
Found 128 tests for scipy.linalg.fblas
Found 6 tests for scipy.interpolate.fitpack
Found 6 tests for scipy.interpolate
Found 10 tests for scipy.stats.morestats
Found 4 tests for scipy.linalg.lapack
Found 18 tests for scipy.fftpack.basic
Found 4 tests for scipy.io.recaster
Warning: FAILURE importing tests for <module 'scipy.linsolve.umfpack' from '...\
C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\scipy\linsolve\umfpack\tests\test_umfpack.py:17: A
ttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'umfpack' (in ?)
Found 4 tests for scipy.optimize.zeros
Found 28 tests for scipy.io.mio
Found 4 tests for scipy.fftpack.helper
Found 41 tests for scipy.linalg.basic
Found 358 tests for scipy.special.basic
Found 10 tests for scipy.integrate.quadpack
Found 7 tests for scipy.linalg.matfuncs
Found 1 tests for scipy.integrate
Found 42 tests for scipy.lib.lapack
Found 12 tests for scipy.io.mmio
Found 1 tests for scipy.optimize.cobyla
Found 128 tests for scipy.lib.blas.fblas
Found 16 tests for scipy.lib.blas
Found 14 tests for scipy.linalg.blas
Found 70 tests for scipy.stats.distributions
Found 0 tests for __main__
Don't worry about a warning regarding the number of bytes read.
Warning: 1000000 bytes requested, 20 bytes read.
13 points.
...........Resizing... 16 17 24
Resizing... 20 7 35
Resizing... 23 7 47
Resizing... 24 25 58
Resizing... 28 7 68
Resizing... 28 27 73
.....Use minimum degree ordering on A'+A.
........................Use minimum degree ordering on A'+A.
...................Resizing... 16 17 24
Resizing... 20 7 35
Resizing... 23 7 47
Resizing... 24 25 58
Resizing... 28 7 68
Resizing... 28 27 73
.....Use minimum degree ordering on A'+A.
.................Resizing... 16 17 24
Resizing... 20 7 35
Resizing... 23 7 47
Resizing... 24 25 58
Resizing... 28 7 68
Resizing... 28 27 73
.....Use minimum degree ordering on A'+A.
..c:\python24\lib\site-packages\scipy\interpolate\fitpack2.py:457: UserWarning:
The coefficients of the spline returned have been computed as the
minimal norm least-squares solution of a (numerically) rank deficient
system (deficiency=7). If deficiency is large, the results may be
inaccurate. Deficiency may strongly depend on the value of eps.
..............Ties preclude use of exact statistic.
..Ties preclude use of exact statistic.
sult may be inaccurate, approximate err = 3.64830903151e-009
...Result may be inaccurate, approximate err = 1.39218513881e-010
...Residual: 1.05006950608e-007
ERROR: test_smallest_same_kind (scipy.io.tests.test_recaster.test_recaster)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\scipy\io\tests\test_recaster.py", line 61,
in test_smallest_same_kind
assert C.dtype.type == req_type, \
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'dtype'
Ran 1595 tests in 3.344s
FAILED (errors=1)
Out[4]: <unittest.TextTestRunner object at 0x03EB48F0>
What else should I try?
On 11/30/06, Robert Kern <robert.kern at gmail.com> wrote:
> Ryan Krauss wrote:
> > I may have had the misfortune of checking out of svn last night while
> > numpy and scipy were out of sync. I re-did my svn checkout just now
> > and numpy didn't change, but scipy went from version 2339 to 2342. I
> > now get fewer errors. I also did a python setup.py clean for each
> > before rebuilding and deleted site-packages/numpy and /scipy before
> > rebuilding.
> Actually, this is probably the problem. Don't rely on "python setup.py clean" to
> do the right thing. distutils sometimes misses things. Just delete build/ entirely.
> --
> Robert Kern
> "I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
> that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
> an underlying truth."
> -- Umberto Eco
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