[SciPy-user] object based image classification

Aaron Hoover ahoover at eecs.berkeley.edu
Tue Oct 17 20:53:05 EDT 2006

Hi Brent,

I'm using Intel's open source computer vision library OpenCV with Python 
wrappers (SciPy, NumPy, etc) for vision tasks that are similar to what 
you're describing. There's quite a bit of computer vision research going 
on these days, and object recognition/shape context/feature matching are 
all active problems. The OpenCV wiki is online at 
http://opencvlibrary.sourceforge.net/. The project is fairly mature 
(there's a 1.0 beta) and the community is active (even if the signal to 
noise ratio on the newsgroup is a little low). As far as medical imaging 
vs. astronomy vs. machine vision the subproblems in those domains are 
simply specific cases of more general problems like shape recognition, 
feature matching, image registration, correspondence, etc. for which 
OpenCV provides a host of tools.

If you're interested in knowing more, send me an email off-list.


Brent Pedersen wrote:
> hi, object based classification
> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-oriented_image_classification )
> for digital image processing seems to be getting popular in 
> remote-sensing/GIS. i'm told that the only software available to do 
> that is e-cognition (
> http://www.definiens.com/
> http://www.infoserve.co.jp/Tech_spec/eCognition/Definiens_paper_Elsevier.pdf 
> <http://www.infoserve.co.jp/Tech_spec/eCognition/Definiens_paper_Elsevier.pdf>
> )
> has anyone done anything similar with python and/or open source tools? 
> are there any libs out there for medical imaging or astronomy that i 
> could look into?
> any pointers to related info?
> thanks,
> -brent
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