[SciPy-user] Big list of Numpy & Scipy users

Bill Baxter wbaxter at gmail.com
Wed Apr 4 22:10:28 EDT 2007

On 4/4/07, Robert Kern <robert.kern at gmail.com> wrote:
> Bill Baxter wrote:
> > Is there any place on the Wiki that lists all the known software that
> > uses Numpy in some way?
> >
>> > It would be nice to start collecting such a list if there isn't one
> > already.  Screenshots would be nice too.
> There is no such list that I know of, but you may start one on the wiki if you like.

Ok, I made a start:  http://www.scipy.org/Scipy_Projects
Anyone who has a project that depends on Numpy or Scipy, please go add
your info there!

I haven't linked it from anywhere, because it looks pretty pathetic
right now with only three or four entries.  But hopefully everyone
will jumps in and add their project to the list.

Part of the idea is that this should be a good place to point
nay-sayers to when they say "meh - numpy... that's a niche project for
a handful of scientists."

So ... hopefully a good portion of the links will be things other than
science projects.  There will hopefully be a lot of things that
"ordinary users" would care about.  :-)

I couldn't figure out how to add an image, but if someone knows how to
do that, please do.


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