[SciPy-user] regional maxima

Emanuele Zattin emanuelez at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 11:20:14 EDT 2007

Hello everybody,
i am considering to port to Python an application in wrote in Matlab.
My only concern right now is that i need something similar to the function


My googling so far has taken me to find out pymorphpro (
http://www.mmorph.com/pymorphpro/) which does exactly what i want but
doesn't seem to be free and works with numeric and not numpy.

I can also see that scipy offers some morphology functions but nothing to
spot regional maxima. I wonder if it is possible to achieve this using the
available primitives (erosion, dilation, ...) and i think i found the answer
(or part of it) here:


where this is defined:

*RMAX(f) = f - R(f,E(f))*, where *f* is the given image, *E* its erosion,
and *R(a,b)* the reconstruction by dilatation of *b* using *a*.

Anyhow... my experiments so far were not successful so that's why i'm
writing here. Any suggestion?
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