[SciPy-user] [f2py] hide ?

fred fredmfp at gmail.com
Thu Apr 26 03:12:02 EDT 2007

Robert Kern a écrit :
> Variables "just sitting there" won't have any effect whatsoever inside the
> FORTRAN subroutine. You would have to pass it in as an argument to essai(); it
> can't be hidden. intent(hide) is for situations where you can derive the value
> from other inputs, like the length of an array.

Ok, let's talk about array now ;-)

The following sample code fails if I use nvx arg in essai(),

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./essai.py", line 22, in ?
    a = essai.essai(a, b, KW, nx, ny, nz, nvx)
essai.error: (shape(a,0)==nx) failed for 1st keyword nx

and works fine if not.

What's wrong ?

I'm thinking of issue with memory allocation, but what's going on ?
(wrong arrays dimensions ? arguments order in function call ?)

It must be a stupid error but where ?

Thanks in advance.



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