[SciPy-user] ndimage crash on Rocks 4.0

Gennan Chen gnchen at cortechs.net
Mon Apr 30 18:59:09 EDT 2007

Hi! All,

	scipy.ndimage gave me seg fault on Rocks 4.0, python 2.3.4. Anyone  
has a solution?

[root at cluster01:~]# ipython
Python 2.3.4 (#1, Feb 22 2005, 04:09:37)
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In [1]: import scipy.ndimage

In [2]: scipy.ndimage.test(0

In [2]: scipy.ndimage.test()
   Found 398 tests for scipy.ndimage
   Found 0 tests for __main__
ndimage/interpolation.py:41: UserWarning: Mode "reflect" may yield  
incorrect results on boundaries. Please use "mirror" instead.
   warnings.warn('Mode "reflect" may yield incorrect results on '
.....................Segmentation fault

I link numpy/scipy against MKL


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