[SciPy-user] Docstring standards for NumPy and SciPy

sbasu at physics.cornell.edu sbasu at physics.cornell.edu
Wed Jan 10 12:32:19 EST 2007

Dear Sender,

    I am taking a vacation from the 8th to the 20th of January. I may
be able to check this email remotely, but sadly I cannot guarantee
either that or a quick response. I will certainly read all my pending
emails on the 21st.

    If you're mailing to contact the system administrator of PECF,
please contact backup admin Ivan Daykov <daykov at physics.cornell.edu>.

    To everyone else: please be patient and I will get back to you
when I return! I am sorry if this has inconvenienced you in any way.


Sourish Basu

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