[SciPy-user] Problems installing scipy in SuSE 10.2

David Cournapeau david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Jun 12 21:52:06 EDT 2007

Karl Edler wrote:
> Hello,
> I am having trouble installing the full scipy in SuSE 10.2. I was unable
> to type "from scipy import *" because some functions were missing as
> explained in the Wiki under "Broken BLAS". I un-installed all my scipy,
> blas, lapack, matplotlib rpms and installed all the rpms in
> http://software.opensuse.org/download/home:/ashigabou/openSUSE_10.2/ 
> but then I could not install python-scipy because Ashigabou has no
> python-scipy package and the python-scipy package in
> http://repos.opensuse.org/science/   does not like the refblas found in
> the Ashigabou repository.
Yes, that's definitely possible (mixing different repositories). For 
scipy, do you use 64 bits arch ? If not, it should work (there is 
python-scipy on the repository).

Again, I must say that all the packages on ashigabou are experimental 
for now (but I don't think scipy on science repo uses blas at all. I had 
some discussion with the people working on this repository, and they are 
not heavy users of numpy/scipy, and couldn't manage to compile the thing 

I put the project in stand by the last few weeks because of PhD works, 
but I've finished important things now, and hope to polish a bit more 
> Specifically the python-scipy package in "science" cannot find any blas
> library installed from the Ashigabou packages.
That's unfortunately expected for now. Ideally, once the package is OK, 
it should be included officialy in opensuse. But I am not a user of 
opensuse, and find it extremely painful to use myself, so I cannot be an 
official packager for it. Someone else will have to do it.


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