[SciPy-user] [scikits] Updated generic optimizer (and egg download link)

dmitrey openopt at ukr.net
Fri Jun 29 02:59:22 EDT 2007

Then, maybe, it would be more easy to upload the package into scikits 
svn server than construct a tarball?

Matthieu Brucher wrote:
> egg files are archives, so you can't execute them. If setuptools is 
> installed, you should have easy_install.
> I'm trying to build a tarball, but it seems there is catch with sdist 
> and bdist... The former includes everything in my repository (not only 
> the optimizers, but everything else...) and the latter saves the 
> absolute path instead of the relative...
> Matthieu
> 2007/6/29, dmitrey <openopt at ukr.net <mailto:openopt at ukr.net>>:
>     Could you upload your tarball into you filearea
>     http://download.gna.org/pypeline/ ?
>     I still can't install the egg with neither python2.4 no python2.5, I
>     receive same error message.
>     D.
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