[SciPy-user] Compiling scipy with Intel ifort and SCSL on an Atix350(IA64) with linux

Laurence Viry Laurence.Viry at imag.fr
Thu Nov 15 03:22:11 EST 2007


I use Python2.4.4 and numpy-

*I would like to use SCSL SGI Library (which is compiled with Intel 
Compiler) and intel compilers
 to install numpy and scipy*

the install script didn't recognize the fc_config (--fcompiler=intele) 

warning: build_ext: f77_compiler=intele is not available.
warning: build_ext: extension 'numpy.linalg.lapack_lite' has Fortran 
libraries but no Fortran linker found, using default linker
customize IntelItaniumFCompiler
option --fcompiler not recognized


#Platform information:
python -c 'import os,sys;print os.name,sys.platform'
*posix linux2*

uname -a
*Linux zephir 2.6.5-7.282-sn2 #1 SMP Tue Aug 29 10:40:40 UTC 2006 ia64 
ia64 ia64 GNU/Linux*

# Information about C,C++,Fortran compilers/linkers

ifort -V
I*ntel(R) Fortran Itanium(R) Compiler for Itanium(R)-based applications
Version 9.0    Build 20050430 Package ID: l_fc_p_9.0.021*
Copyright (C) 1985-2005 Intel Corporation.  All rights reserved.

*Intel(R) C Itanium(R) Compiler for Itanium(R)-based applications
Version 9.0    Build 20050722 Package ID: l_cc_c_9.0.024*
Copyright (C) 1985-2005 Intel Corporation.  All rights reserved.

# Python version:
python -c 'import sys;print sys.version'
*2.4.4 (#1, Nov 13 2007, 12:19:56)
[GCC 3.3.3 (SuSE Linux)]*

# Python Numpy version: **

# f2py version: *2_3979*

# I try to use SCSL SGI Library which is optimized on our cluster, 
compiled with intel compilers

Configuration file for numpy and scipy: site.cfg

library_dirs = /usr/lib:/usr/local/lib/
include_dirs = /usr/include:/usr/local/include

library_dirs = /usr/lib
blas_libs= scs

library_dirs = /usr/lib
lapack_libs = scs

include_dirs = /usr/local/stow/fftw-3.1.2/includepython setup.py config 
--compiler=intele --fcompiler=intele build_clib --compiler=intele 
--fcompiler=intele build_ext --compiler=intele --fcompiler=intele install
libraries = fftw3

# python command to install
*python setup.py config --compiler=intele --fcompiler=intele build_clib 
--compiler=intele --fcompiler=intele build_ext --compiler=intele 
--fcompiler=intele install*

*The script didn't recognize the fc_config (--fcompiler=intele) options*

warning: build_ext: f77_compiler=intele is not available.
warning: build_ext: extension 'numpy.linalg.lapack_lite' has Fortran 
libraries but no Fortran linker found, using default linker
customize IntelItaniumFCompiler
option --fcompiler not recognized

Couldn't match compiler version for 'Intel(R) Fortran Itanium(R) 
Compiler for Itanium(R)-based applications\nVersion 9.0    Build 
20050430 Package ID: l_fc_p_9.0.021\nCopyright (C) 1985-2005 Intel 
Corporation.  All rights reserved.\nFOR NON-COMMERCIAL USE ONLY\n\n 
Intel Fortran 9.0-5238'

I changed numpy/distutils/ccompiler.py to :
compiler_class['intele'] = ('intelccompiler','IntelItaniumCCompiler',
                          "Intel(R) C Itanium(R) Compiler for 
Itanium(R)-based applications")

and put version_match = intel_version_match('Itanium') in 

It found the C Intel Compiler but don't find the Fortran Intel compiler.

It's Ok for numpy but when I installed scipy, I had the error with fortran

" building 'scipy.interpolate.dfitpack' extension
error: extension 'scipy.interpolate.dfitpack' has Fortran sources but no 
Fortran compiler found
Can you help me to understand


Laurence Viry

CRIP UJF - Projet MIRAGE ( http://mirage.imag.fr )
Laboratoire de Modélisation et Calcul - IMAG

tel: 04 76 63 56 34
fax: 04 76 63 12 63
e-mail: Laurence.Viry at imag.fr

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