[SciPy-user] Any image deblurring and wavelets packages?

Ying Wai (Daniel) Fan yfan at emory.edu
Wed Nov 21 09:50:29 EST 2007

Hi All,

I am a graduate student working on image deblurring. Is there any Python 
package doing that?
I am also interested in wavelets. The PyWavelets package hasn't been 
updated for a year. Is it still being developed? Are there other Python 
wavelets packages?

I want to persuade my adviser to switch from Matlab to Scipy. Without an 
image deblurring package/toolbox on Scipy, it is hard for him to switch. 
I am planning to rewrite some of his old codes in Scipy over the break 
and release them to the public. I just want to know if there is already 
some image deblurring Python codes out there?


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