[SciPy-user] pre-compiled Windows svn

David Cournapeau david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Apr 21 20:37:52 EDT 2008

Dinesh B Vadhia wrote:
> Hello! I want to avoid installing a C/C++ compiler to get at the 
> latest Scipy svn trunk for a Windows build.  Is there an alternative 
> way to obtain pre-compiled binaries?  Probably not but thought I'd ask.

Not that I am aware of. The mingw instructions are extremely bad, but 
installing mingw is not really difficult, though: you just need to run 
the installer found (automated mingw installer)


To get a blas/lapack for windows, you can for example use my installer, 
which will give you optimized blas/lapack from ATLAS:




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