[SciPy-user] Birds-of-a-feather sessions at SciPy'08

Stephen McInerney spmcinerney at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 3 20:07:56 EDT 2008

[Glen Jarvis had inquired about BioPython.He's not on the list I think so you might like to cc: him if replying on this.]
>Glen Jarvis wrote:
>I had asked about SciPy last year and was sad I missed it. However,>I don't see anything on the agenda for BioPython this year =(>>Is it just not as popular in the SciPy community? I know BioPerl>still has more "market share," but I'd like to learn more because:>I "heart" me python... I don't know BioPython at all, but wanted to>know more.. I've done some graduate work in Bioinformatics... Cheers,  Glen
> Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2008 01:05:16 +0200> From: stefan at sun.ac.za> To: scipy-user at scipy.org> Subject: Birds-of-a-feather sessions at SciPy'08> > Hi all,> > SciPy'08 is just around the corner! We need topics for> birds-of-a-feather sessions. As the name indicates, these informal> meetings are aimed at bringing together people with a common interest,> and are normally held in the evenings after the day's events.> I've opened a page on the scipy wiki; please feel free to add your> idea, or to support someone else's by adding your vote:> > http://www.scipy.org/SciPy2008/BoF> > We probably won't be able to have more than 4 sessions.> > Thanks to Stephen McInerney for the reminder.> > Cheers> Stéfan
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