[SciPy-user] installing numpy on ubuntu

Gabriel Gellner ggellner at uoguelph.ca
Mon Aug 11 14:41:33 EDT 2008

On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 11:47:13AM -0600, Michael Hearne wrote:
> I'm trying to install numpy/scipy/matplotlib/basemap on a fresh 
> installation of Ubuntu.
> The available versions of each I've found on Ubuntu:
> numpy: Version: 1:1.0.4-6ubuntu3
> scipy: Version: 0.6.0-8ubuntu1
> matplotlib: Version: 0.91.2-0ubuntu1
> Basemap (a matplotlib toolkit) does not appear in Ubuntu, it seems.
> The problem is that the supported version of Basemap depends on 
> matplotlib versions 0.98 and greater, and for that I need numpy 1.1.
> I have two questions:
> 1) Is there an apt-get repository for the more recent versions of numpy 
> (or any of these other packages)
There sure is! Check out the awesome repo maintained by Andrew Straw:
(note: I use the hardy versions, but he maintains a lot of versions for older
ubuntu's, see the direction at the link above)

> 2) Failing 1, should the building of numpy on an Ubuntu system be a 
> straightforward "configure;make;make install"?  God, I hope so.
This is also relatively easy, more of a:
1. Make sure you have the development libraries
2. Then do a python setup.py build; python setup.py install

If you choose to go this route instead of using the above debs (which are
awesome . . .) I can give you more help if needed.

Good luck!


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