[SciPy-user] scikit.timeseries plotting bugs?

Pierre GM pgmdevlist at gmail.com
Mon Dec 8 17:29:27 EST 2008

On Dec 8, 2008, at 4:57 PM, Matt Knox wrote:

>> how do you clean out an out version? Do you delete a directory or  
>> do you
>> have to run an uninstall script.

AFAIK, there's usually no uninstall script coming with setuptools.  
What I usually do is rename the package I want to delete (by putting a  
_ in front or at the end), install the new version, delete the old  
one. That's usually OK as long as no executables are installed  
anywhere. That definitely works with scikits.timeseries.
Cool thing with virtualenv is that you can create a new virtualenv and  
install a new version of the package without erasing any old one...

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