[SciPy-user] Install_SciPy

Yennifer Santiago yennifersantiago at gmail.com
Sun Jan 27 20:59:47 EST 2008


My last email was the follow:

> >I want to install Scipy 0.6.0, I already install the packages python,
> >numpy,
> > atlas, lapack an SciPy, but when I make the test, after intall SciPy:
> >
> > carolina at carolinapc :~$ import scipy
> > carolina at carolinapc:~$ scipy.test(level=1)
> > bash: error de sintaxis cerca de token no esperado `level=1'
> >
> > What is the problem??

I already could execute the above commands in a python prompt, that was the
problem.  But now that test produce some errors and I don't understand what
is the new problem:

carolina at carolinapc:~$ python Test_SciPy.py
RuntimeError: module compiled against version 1000002 of C-API but this
version of numpy is 1000009
RuntimeError: module compiled against version 1000002 of C-API but this
version of numpy is 1000009
  Found 9/9 tests for scipy.cluster.vq
  Found 18/18 tests for scipy.fftpack.basic
  Found 4/4 tests for scipy.fftpack.helper
  Found 20/20 tests for scipy.fftpack.pseudo_diffs
  Found 1/1 tests for scipy.integrate
  Found 10/10 tests for scipy.integrate.quadpack
  Found 3/3 tests for scipy.integrate.quadrature
  Found 6/6 tests for scipy.interpolate
  Found 6/6 tests for scipy.interpolate.fitpack
  Found 4/4 tests for scipy.io.array_import
Warning: FAILURE importing tests for <module 'scipy.io.mio' from
/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/scipy/sparse/sparse.py:21: ImportError:
cannot import name cscmux (in ?)
  Found 13/13 tests for scipy.io.mmio
  Found 5/5 tests for scipy.io.npfile
  Found 4/4 tests for scipy.io.recaster
  Found 16/16 tests for scipy.lib.blas
  Found 128/128 tests for scipy.lib.blas.fblas
  Found 42/42 tests for scipy.lib.lapack
  Found 41/41 tests for scipy.linalg.basic
<module 'scipy.linalg.fblas' from
  Found 16/16 tests for scipy.linalg.blas
  Found 72/72 tests for scipy.linalg.decomp
  Found 128/128 tests for scipy.linalg.fblas
  Found 6/6 tests for scipy.linalg.iterative
  Found 4/4 tests for scipy.linalg.lapack
  Found 7/7 tests for scipy.linalg.matfuncs
  Found 399/399 tests for scipy.ndimage
  Found 5/5 tests for scipy.odr
  Found 8/8 tests for scipy.optimize
  Found 1/1 tests for scipy.optimize.cobyla
  Found 10/10 tests for scipy.optimize.nonlin
  Found 4/4 tests for scipy.optimize.zeros
  Found 5/5 tests for scipy.signal.signaltools
  Found 4/4 tests for scipy.signal.wavelets
  Found 342/342 tests for scipy.special.basic
  Found 3/3 tests for scipy.special.spfun_stats
  Found 107/107 tests for scipy.stats
  Found 73/73 tests for scipy.stats.distributions
  Found 10/10 tests for scipy.stats.morestats
  Found 0/0 tests for __main__
.../usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/scipy/cluster/vq.py:477: UserWarning:
One of the clusters is empty. Re-run kmean with a different initialization.
  warnings.warn("One of the clusters is empty. "
exception raised as expected: One of the clusters is empty. Re-run kmean
with a different initialization.
................................................Residual: 1.05006950608e-07
The coefficients of the spline returned have been computed as the
minimal norm least-squares solution of a (numerically) rank deficient
system (deficiency=7). If deficiency is large, the results may be
inaccurate. Deficiency may strongly depend on the value of eps.
Don't worry about a warning regarding the number of bytes read.
Warning: 1000000 bytes requested, 20 bytes read.
.............Result may be inaccurate, approximate err = 2.46937553108e-09
...Result may be inaccurate, approximate err = 1.45880453615e-10
UserWarning: Mode "reflect" may yield incorrect results on boundaries.
Please use "mirror" instead.
  warnings.warn('Mode "reflect" may yield incorrect results on '
preclude use of exact statistic.
..Ties preclude use of exact statistic.
ERROR: check_simple_todense (scipy.io.tests.test_mmio.test_mmio_coordinate)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/scipy/io/tests/test_mmio.py", line
152, in check_simple_todense
    b = mmread(fn).todense()
AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'todense'

ERROR: check_simple_write_read (
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/scipy/io/tests/test_mmio.py", line
160, in check_simple_write_read
    b = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((V,(I,J)),dims=(5,5))
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'sparse'

Ran 1534 tests in 3.993s

FAILED (errors=2)
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