[SciPy-user] ANN: SfePy 00.46.02

Robert Cimrman cimrman3 at ntc.zcu.cz
Tue Jul 1 10:13:46 EDT 2008

I am pleased announce the release of SfePy 00.46.02.

SfePy is a finite element analysis software in Python, based primarily
on Numpy and SciPy.

Mailing lists, issue tracking, mercurial repository: http://sfepy.org
Home page: http://sfepy.kme.zcu.cz

Major improvements:
- alternative short syntax for specifying essential boundary conditions, 
variables and regions
- manufactured solutions tests:
     - SymPy support
- site configuration now via script/config.py + site_cfg.py
- new solvers
- new terms

For more information on this release, see

If you happen to come to Leipzig for EuroSciPy 2008, see you there!

Best regards,
Robert Cimrman & SfePy developers

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