[SciPy-user] Parallel linear solver.

Frank Lagor dfranci at seas.upenn.edu
Thu Jul 24 10:27:05 EDT 2008

Yes, there are.  What you are looking for is petsc4py.  PETSc is a very
good, well-developed package for scalable scientific computing.  It is based
on MPI and is very well-known and well-supported package (it is really
amazing actually how good their support actually is!)

Anyways, Lisandro Dalcin, a friend of mine, wrote petsc4py bindings that
allow you to do anything you want in PETSc in python.  The bindings are very
good, but not well documented.  It doesn't really matter however, because he
is so accessible, and PETSc's documentation is so good that you can browse
through it and guess what the correcponding syntax is in petsc4py.

I highly recommend that you check it out.  Let me know how it goes or if you
have any problems.


On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 1:59 AM, Adolph J. Vogel <ajvogel at tuks.co.za> wrote:

> Are there any bindings available for python to a Parallel linear solver
> package like ScaLapack? I couldnt find anything conclusive on google.
> Thanx, Adolph
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Frank Lagor
Ph.D. Candidate
Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
University of Pennsylvania
dfranci at seas.upenn.edu
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