[SciPy-user] gutsy amd64

osman osman at fuse.net
Sun Mar 2 12:44:36 EST 2008

On Sun, 2008-03-02 at 17:34 +0000, Robin wrote:

> I put the steps I use to build (64bit) on Ubuntu on the wiki, so
> perhaps that is helpful.
> http://www.scipy.org/Installing_SciPy/Linux#head-1c4018a51422706809ee96a4db03ca0669f5f6d1
Thanks Robin. I just found it. But when I remove g77 it will remove
quite a few stuff :-(  I just hope I will be able to re-install g77 .

I also saw that ATLAS stuff was not found even though it was there.
Seems to be related to g77 being installed.

Had hoped it was easier but... 

Thanks again

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