[SciPy-user] ANN: EuroSciPy 2008 Conference - Leipzig, Germany

Travis Vaught travis at enthought.com
Wed Mar 12 11:36:20 EDT 2008


We're pleased to announce the EuroSciPy 2008 Conference to be held in  
Leipzig, Germany on July 26-27, 2008.


We are very excited to create a venue for the European community of  
users of the Python programming language in science. This conference  
will bring the presentations and collaboration that we've enjoyed at  
Caltech each year closer to home for many users of SciPy, NumPy and  
Python generally--with a similar focus and schedule.

Call for Participation:
If you are a scientist using Python for your computational work, we'd  
love to have you formally present your results, methods or  
experiences. To apply to present a talk at this year's EuroSciPy,  
please submit an abstract of your talk as a PDF, MS Word or plain text  
file to euroabstracts at scipy.org. The deadline for abstract submission  
is April 30, 2008. Papers and/or presentation slides are acceptable  
and are due by June 15, 2008. Presentations will be allotted 30 minutes.

Registration will open April 1, 2008. The registration fee will be  
100.00€ for early registrants and will increase to 150.00€ for late  
registration. Registration will include breakfast, snacks and lunch  
for Saturday and Sunday.

Volunteers Welcome:
If you're interested in volunteering to help organize things, please  
email us at info at scipy.org.

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