[SciPy-user] [optimization] OpenOpt 0.17

Matthieu Brucher matthieu.brucher at gmail.com
Sat Mar 15 15:33:32 EDT 2008


I have some questions :
- why was the golden section reimplemented ? OpenOpt has a generic framework
that provides a golden section line search for... several months
- was the setupy.py problems solved ? that is, is the sys.path still changed
when importing the scikit ?


2008/3/15, dmitrey <dmitrey.kroshko at scipy.org>:
> Greetings,
> We're pleased to announce:
> OpenOpt 0.17 (release), free (license: BSD) optimization framework for
> Python language programmers,  is available for download.
> Changes since previous release 0.15 (December 15):
>     * new classes: GLP (global problem), MMP (mini-max problem)
>     * several new solvers written: goldenSection, nsmm
>     * some more solvers connected: scipy_slsqp, bvls, galileo
>     * possibility to change default solver parameters
>     * user-defined callback functions
>     * changes in auto derivatives check
>     * "noise" parameter for noisy functions
>     * some changes to NLP/NSP solver ralg
>     * some changes in graphical output, initial estimations xlim, ylim
>     * scaling
>     * some bugfixes
> Newsline:
> http://openopt.blogspot.com/
> Homepage:
> http://scipy.org/scipy/scikits/wiki/OpenOpt
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French PhD student
Website : http://matthieu-brucher.developpez.com/
Blogs : http://matt.eifelle.com and http://blog.developpez.com/?blog=92
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