[SciPy-user] Pb with scipy.interpolate.spalde and numpy.float64

LB berthe.loic at gmail.com
Sun Mar 16 10:24:36 EDT 2008


scipy.interpolate.spalde  accepts float as first argument but does not
work with numpy.float64 :

With python's float :

In [166]: c, type(c)
Out[166]: (0.52752752752752752, <type 'float'>)

In [167]: x, y = interpolate.spalde(c, tck)

=> no pb.

With numpy.float64 :

In [168]: b, type(b)
Out[168]: (0.52752752752752752, <type 'numpy.float64'>)

In [169]: x, y = interpolate.spalde(b, tck)
<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>             Traceback (most recent call

/home/loic/Python/test_profil/<ipython console> in <module>()

interpolate/fitpack.py in spalde(x, tck)
    575         parametric = False
    576     if parametric:
--> 577         return _ntlist(map(lambda c,x=x,t=t,k=k:spalde(x,
    578     else:
    579         try: x=x.tolist()

interpolate/fitpack.py in <lambda>(c, x, t, k)
    575         parametric = False
    576     if parametric:
--> 577         return _ntlist(map(lambda c,x=x,t=t,k=k:spalde(x,
    578     else:
    579         try: x=x.tolist()

interpolate/fitpack.py in spalde(x, tck)
    581             try: x=list(x)
    582             except: x=[x]
--> 583         if len(x)>1:
    584             return map(lambda x,tck=tck:spalde(x,tck),x)
    585         d,ier=_fitpack._spalde(t,c,k,x[0])

<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: object of type 'float' has no len()

It seems to come from the method 'tolist' of numpy.float64, which does
not return a list :
In [174]: c.tolist()
<type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>        Traceback (most recent call

/home/loic/Python/test_profil/<ipython console> in <module>()

<type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>: 'float' object has no attribute

In [175]: b.tolist()
Out[175]: 0.52752752752752752

So my question is : why do numpy.float64 have a tolist method, and why
does it not return a list ?

for information,

In [179]: numpy.__version__, scipy.__version__
Out[179]: ('1.0.5.dev4854', '0.7.0.dev4004')


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