[SciPy-user] Newbie, deferring large array generation
lorenzo bolla
lbolla at gmail.com
Wed Mar 19 06:51:48 EDT 2008
you can maybe use xrange.
dx = (stop - start) / (very_big_num - 1)
xa = xrange(very_big_num)
for ia in xa:
a = ia * dx
use a...
On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 10:42 AM, Joseph Anderson <J.Anderson at hull.ac.uk>
> Hello All,
> I have a problem in that on occasion I need to generate very large arrays
> that won't fit into memory. For what I'm doing, calling linspace is
> convenient, so I'd like to be able to use it. A very simple example of my
> problem is the case:
> a = linspace(start, stop, very_big_num)
> As a python/scipy newbie, I'm just becoming familiar with appropriate
> coding patterns. One thought was whether it is possible to use generators to
> defer the array creation. I'd like to be able to use linspace (pleasantly
> simple) but defer generation of the complete array, returning individual
> values or a range of values on demand. My question is, whether the following
> generator expression is appropriate or not? Or whether linspace will fill
> its array (and therefore overflow memory)?
> g = (val for val in linspace(start, stop, very_big_num))
> So will this work?
> I realize that it is possible for me to write my own version of linspace
> as a generator--but hoping I don't have to.
> If the above generator expression doesn't work, are there any other
> straight forward coding patterns that will do what I'm looking for?
> Thanks for the help.
> My best,
> Jo
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Dr Joseph Anderson
> Lecturer in Music
> School of Arts and New Media
> University of Hull, Scarborough Campus,
> Scarborough, North Yorkshire, YO11 3AZ, UK
> T: +44.(0)1723.357341 T: +44.(0)1723.357370 F: +44.(0)1723.350815
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Lorenzo Bolla
lbolla at gmail.com
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