[SciPy-user] extracting elements of a matrix using arrays as indices (SEGFAULT!)

Travis E. Oliphant oliphant at enthought.com
Thu May 22 02:37:01 EDT 2008

Michael Hearne wrote:
> Thanks for the help - the method below works just fine in my real 
> application (which has nothing to do with setting elements of an array 
> to zero - that was just a simple example of something to _do_ with the 
> data being indexed).
> However, I am still concerned about the larger problem of getting a 
> segfault using ANY method of indexing an array.  If it is user error 
> that is causing the problem, then shouldn't I get an exception that 
> tells me my syntax is somehow incorrect?
> I've added SEGFAULT to the subject line in hopes that someone 
> responsible for the core NumPy code (Travis O., perhaps?) will take 
> notice and address the issue.  If that happens, once again, I'm happy 
> to help test on my version of NumPy wherever needed.
Thank you for finding this bug.   It is a bug due to over-flow 
calculations causing a loop not to terminate correctly (therefore 
walking over available memory).   It should be fixed in latest SVN 
version of NumPy.


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