[SciPy-user] how to get only complete years from series?

Pierre GM pgmdevlist at gmail.com
Tue Nov 18 11:15:07 EST 2008

There's no generic function to perform what you want as it'll depend  
on the frequency. What you can do is:

1. get a list of years
 >>> singleyears = set(s_all.years)

2. for each year, check what are the first and last days of the year:
 >>> firstandlast = [tuple([year] 
+s_all[s_all.years==year].yeardays[[0,-1]].tolist()) for year in  

That gives you a list of tuples (year, first day, last day)

3. find the years for which the first day is strictly larger than 1  
and the last strictly lower than 365.
 >>> maskyears = [y for (y,f,l) in firstandlast if f>1 or l<365]

4. Mask the corresponding years
 >>> for y in maskyears:
 >>>     s_all[s_all.years==y] = ma.masked

That's far from efficient and rather ugly, but that should give you a  
generic idea.
Let me know how it goes.

On Nov 17, 2008, at 3:34 PM, Timmie wrote:

> Hello,
> I am unsing the scikit.timeseries to evaluate a long-term  
> measurement data set.
> How can I extract those years, which have complete measurements?
> In the below, years 2004 & 2008 are not complete.
> Is there a generic possibility that all incomplete years get masked?
> Thanks & regards,
> Timmie
> ###code
> import numpy as np
> import numpy.ma as ma
> import scikits.timeseries as ts
> data = np.arange(0, 40800)
> start_dt = ts.Date(freq='H', year=2004, month=3, day=1, hour=0)
> s_all = ts.time_series(data, freq='H', start_date=start_dt)
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