[SciPy-user] building 64bit scipy

David Cournapeau cournape at gmail.com
Mon Apr 20 11:47:21 EDT 2009

On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 12:22 AM, Dan Yamins <dyamins at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Actually, if you don't mind build numpy by yourself from the trunk, it
>> should now handle the x86_64 arch. I did not test this thoroughly, but
>> it is working when scipy is built from a 64 bits python, and it looks
>> like it does not break 32 bits python.
> In fact,  the numpy 1.3 release seems to handle it fine too ....

Sorry, this only makes sense if you know that scipy uses code in numpy
to build itself. In particular, fortran compiler flags are taken from
numpy code.



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