[SciPy-User] Ubuntu vs Fedora for scientific work?

David Cournapeau david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Aug 5 06:29:07 EDT 2009

Dharhas Pothina wrote:
>>>> alexander baker <baker.alexander at gmail.com> 8/4/2009 3:21 AM >>>
>> Some very interesting points from David, especially the virtual machine
>> point.
> So is there much of a performance hit using a virtual machine, or is it pretty much unnoticable on a modern machine? 

Well, numpy is faster on a Linux VM  in vmware fusion than on mac os x
on my macbook, because of more recent compiler and recent ATLAS I guess.
So unless you are IO heavy, the main drawback is memory - I bought a new
macbook for the explicit purpose of more available memory. Even  8-16 Gb
start to become affordable for a conventional workstation,



> - dharhas
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