[SciPy-User] Intro tutorial checklist failure

Fernando Perez Fernando.Perez at berkeley.edu
Sat Aug 15 01:02:51 EDT 2009

Hi Gokhan,

On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 1:05 PM, Gökhan Sever<gokhansever at gmail.com> wrote:
> As posted below the output of the script seemingly there is something wrong
> with the matplotlib tests. I have matplotlib installed and working properly
> however the script fails to test this. Manual testing of the test plot
> functions work properly as expected.
> I don't have scipy and mayavi installed yet since there are two bizarre
> installation issues that I have had and posted on the lists, and still
> couldn't figure out. All were working extremely nicely on Fedora 10 (The
> source code installations) but there must be somethings wrong with some
> critical libraries or some tools' being so up-to-date.

That is very weird, I have no idea why this could be presenting this
behavior.  If you want, you can always try to run the script in
ipython via

run -n intro_tut_checklist.py

and then call the tests individually:

In [18]: run -n intro_tut_checklist.py

In [19]: [ t[0](*t[1:]) for t in test_imports() ]
MOD: setuptools, version: 0.6c9
MOD: IPython, version: 0.10
MOD: numpy, version: 1.4.0.dev7303
MOD: scipy, version: 0.8.0.dev5764
MOD: scipy.io, version: *no info*
MOD: matplotlib, version: 1.0.svn
MOD: pylab, version: *no info*
MOD: enthought.mayavi.api, version: 3.1.0
Out[19]: [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None]

In [20]: [ t[0](*t[1:]) for t in test_loadtxt() ]
Out[20]: [None, None, None, None]

In [21]: test_plot()

In [22]: test_plot_math()

If this works for you, I wouldn't worry too much for now...



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