[SciPy-User] Some updates on the tutorial test scripts and versions of tools needed

Fernando Perez Fernando.Perez at berkeley.edu
Mon Aug 17 03:45:19 EDT 2009

Hi Tom,

On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 1:17 PM, Tom Kuiper<kuiper at jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:
> It seems that 0.11.2 is in the unstable Debian distribution.  Can someone
> suggest how to get that package without having to upgrade to unstable?

Besides the suggestion Andrew made, I can only say what my approach is
on such matters: I use ubuntu (basically debian stable from X months
ago), and then I keep in ~/usr/local a fully configured subsystem with
$PATH, $PYTHONPATH, etc, and then do

python setup.py install --prefix=~/usr/local/

for all packages that I need in newer versions than what's in ubuntu
(numpy,  scipy, cython, matplotlib, networkx, sympy).



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