[SciPy-User] Usage of scipy.signal.resample

David Cournapeau cournape at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 14:13:38 EDT 2009

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:36 PM, Neal Becker<ndbecker2 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Lev Givon wrote:
>> Received from Ivo Maljevic on Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 10:11:29AM EDT:
>>> 2009/8/26 <markus.proeller at ifm.com>
>>> >
>>> > Hello,
>>> >
>>> > I have a question concerning the resample function of scipy.
>>> > I have the following code:
>>> >
>>> > from scipy.signal import resample
>>> > >>>x = array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
>>> > >>>resample(x,5)
>>> > array([ 2.5       ,  1.26393202,  4.5       ,  5.5       ,
>>> > 8.73606798])
>>> >
>>> > I don't understand the first value of 2.5.
>>> > My scipy version is 0.7.0
>>> >
>>> > Thanks for help,
>>> >
>>> > Markus
>>> Unless you have a periodic function, I wouldn't rely much on the resample
>>> function. It uses FFT approach, and the basic assumption is that x is
>>> periodic. Without even trying to go into details, my first guess is that
>>> what you see is the consequence
>>> of aliasing.
>>> A function that uses polyphase filter would do a better job, but it
>>> hasn't been written yet :(
>>> Until that is done, maybe you want to experiment by appending zeros to x,
>>> resampling, and then discarding the last half:
>>> >>> x=linspace(0,9,10)
>>> >>> xx=r_[x, zeros(10)]
>>> >>> yy=resample(xx,10)
>>> >>> yy
>>> array([ 0.16423509,  1.89281122,  4.1904564 ,  5.66068461,  8.68487231,
>>>         2.33576491, -0.6288792 ,  0.3095436 , -0.16068461,  0.05119566])
>>> >>> y=yy[0:5]
>>> >>> y
>>> array([ 0.16423509,  1.89281122,  4.1904564 ,  5.66068461,  8.68487231])
>>> This is by no means a perfect solution, but I'm just throwing some ideas,
>>> and you can try and see if that is good enough for you.
>>> Ivo
>> You may also wish to check out the samplerate scikit by David
>> Cournapeau; it provides a Python interface to an eponymous library
>> that provides a more robust sample rate conversion facility than the
>> fft-based function provided by scipy.
>> http://pypi.python.org/pypi/scikits.samplerate
>> L.G.
> Thanks for pointing to this.  I am quite interested in this subject.  I
> grabbed the samplerate source - it seems to be a wrapper on libsamplerate.
> I am quite interested in the reference http://www-isl.stanford.edu/~boyd/.
> AFAICT, libsamplerate refers to the above article, but IIUC it doesn't
> actually use this technique at all.

Are you refering to the right link ? SRC is based on sinc
interpolation (band-limited interpolation), which is a well known
technique for high quality resampling for audio signals (the same
kinds of techniques are used in synthesizers, for example).


AFAIK, SRC is one of the best resampling implementation for audio
signals, and certainly the best available under an open source license


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