[SciPy-User] SciPy09 Video page direct links

Tim Michelsen timmichelsen at gmx-topmail.de
Fri Aug 28 04:09:45 EDT 2009

> I've put off announcing it to the list, but myself and a few others  
> have been slowly converting all the useful (non-spam and non-personal  
> page) content on the wiki to ReST, with the goal of moving the  
> SciPy.org main page off of moin and onto Sphinx, and the Cookbook into  
> pydocweb. You can take a look at the progress at
I have done something similar recently.

I had good success using pandoc for html2rest or wiki to rest.

Hope that helps.

You may drop me a note as PM. I can send you my humble script.

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