[SciPy-User] SciPy09 Video page direct links

David Warde-Farley dwf at cs.toronto.edu
Fri Aug 28 05:06:29 EDT 2009

On 28-Aug-09, at 4:09 AM, Tim Michelsen wrote:

> I have done something similar recently.
> I had good success using pandoc for html2rest or wiki to rest.
> Hope that helps.

Hi Tim,

Thanks for the pointer. I've used pandoc in the past to convert the  
numarray ndimage docs ( http://stsdas.stsci.edu/numarray/Doc/module-numarray.ndimage.html 
  ) to the version that currently appears in the SciPy Reference  
Guide, and it worked quite well for that purpose. It doesn't look like  
it supports Moin wiki dialect, but I've been using a MoinMoin plugin  
that I resurrected from terminal bit rot, my modified version is at http://github.com/dwf/moin2rst/tree/master 

It does an okay job, but doesn't handle everything. I've been using  
lots of ad hoc regexps to do the cleanup, and have been a little  
astonished at how successfully I've been at automating a lot of things.

The nice thing about moin2rst is that it's a MoinMoin plugin and can  
use Moin's own parser; the trouble is that Moin seems to change their  
API quite frequently and I had to diddle a lot of imports to get it to  
work. Ideally I (or someone) would expand my fork of moin2rst so that  
it does a really bang-up job of converting Moin pages to ReST, but at  
this point I don't have the time or inclination for such an effort.



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