[SciPy-User] Problem with scipy.special.chebyt

Hugo Shi humongo.shi at gmail.com
Sat Aug 29 14:24:50 EDT 2009

running ubuntu 9.04, ran this

In [2]: import scipy.special

In [3]: scipy.special.chebyt(12)(-0.5)
Out[3]: 0.99999999999995792

It works in ubuntu, and ubuntu 9.04 is using scipy 0.7.0

On Sat, 2009-08-29 at 14:05 -0400, Ivo Maljevic wrote:
> David, Pauli, 
> You guys are more versed with this. It should be fairly straighforward
> to reproduce the problem. I just installed Mandriva 2009.1, 32 bit, as
> a virtual machine, installed scimath package (which contains scipy),
> and the problem show up right away. As Kristian said, when you run
> python in gdb, the problem goes away on Mandriva. It doesn't go away
> on openSUSE, though. 
> So, the problem is not only on 64 bit distributions, and most likely
> it is across  all the distributions, it is just that almost no one
> uses chebyt, especially with these parameters. It doesn't fail with
> chebyt(11)(-0.5). Also, it doesn't fail on Ubuntu, but I believe that
> is because scipy used there is 0.6. 
> Ivo
> 2009/8/29 David Cournapeau <cournape at gmail.com>
>         On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 10:16 AM, Kristian Hans
>         Sandberg<Kristian.Sandberg at colorado.edu> wrote:
>         >
>         > Thank Neil! However, this is really funny: When I run it
>         inside gdb, it works, but when I run it outside gdb, it
>         crashes. See printout below:
>         Build a debug scipy (python setup.py build_ext -g install) and
>         run the
>         test under valgrind, this should gives us useful information.
>         cheers,
>         David
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