[SciPy-User] suptitle interfering with figure

Neil Martinsen-Burrell nmb at wartburg.edu
Wed Dec 16 10:31:00 EST 2009

On 2009-12-16 08:57 , Bruce Ford wrote:
> Using the code below, I'm placing a second title on a figure.  However
> this title is placed over the figure and does not adjust the figure
> placement for the title.  Is there a way to adjust the placement of
> the figure further down?  I'm not seeing any such setting.
>          pyplot.suptitle(MakeTitle(param, hour, day, year, month,
> model, figure_type,date_time_type,mei_span,composite_year,composite_years,year_array,year1,day1,month1),
> fontsize=10)
>          if plot_another == 1:
>              pyplot.suptitle(MakeTitle(param1, hour1, day1, year1,
> month1, model1,
> figure_type1,date_time_type1,mei_span1,composite_year1,composite_years1,year_array1,year11,day11,month11),
> fontsize=10, y=.90)

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