[SciPy-user] incorrect variance in optimize.curvefit and leastsq

josef.pktd at gmail.com josef.pktd at gmail.com
Thu Feb 12 23:57:58 EST 2009

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 11:09 PM, Travis E. Oliphant
<oliphant at enthought.com> wrote:
> josef.pktd at gmail.com wrote:
>> I just saw the new optimize.curvefit which provides a wrapper around
>> optimize.leastsq
>> optimize.leastsq provides the raw covariance matrix (cov_x). As I
>> mentioned once on the mailing list, this is not the covariance matrix
>> of the parameter estimates. To get those, the raw covariance matrix
>> has to be multiplied by the standard error of the residual. So, the
>> docstring in optimize.curvefit doesn't correspond to the actual
>> calculation.
> Thank you for the clarification.   I had forgotten your earlier valid
> concerns.   Help fixing the docstring is appreciated.    If you can
> figure out how to improve the code, that is even better.   I think it is
> good to at least report the cov, but the docstring should not mislead.

the standard deviation of the error can be calculated and the
corrected (this is written for the use from outside of curvefit):

yhat = func(x,popt[0], popt[1])   # get predicted observations
SSE = np.sum((y-yhat)**2)
sig2 = SSE/(len(y)-len(popt))
ecov = sig2*pcov       # this is the variance-covariance  matrix of
the parameter estimates

inside curvefit, this work (before the return):

err  = func(popt, *args)
SSE = np.sum((err)**2)
sig2 = SSE / (len(ydata) - len(popt))
pcov = sig2 * pcov

>> The first parameter is not exactly high precision.
>> The second problem is that, in weighted least squares, the calculation
>> of the standard deviation of the parameter estimates has to take the
>> weights into account. (But I don't have the formulas right now.)
>> I was looking at this to provide a general non-linear least squares
>> class in stats. But for several calculation, the Jacobian would be
>> necessary. optimize.leastsq only provides cov_x, but I was wondering
>> whether the Jacobian can be calculated from the return of the minpack
>> functions in optimize.leastsq, but I didn't have time to figure this
>> out.
> I'm not sure, but it might be.    I would love to spend time on this,
> but don't have it.   If somebody else can pick up, that would be great.
> -Travis

Below are two versions of the test function, the first is against
curvefit with corrected pcov, the second is a test against an
uncorrected curvefit. It uses only decimal=5 so the tests don't fail


test against corrected version
def test_curvefit():
    '''test against NIST certified case at

    data =  array([[  10.07,   77.6 ],
                   [  14.73,  114.9 ],
                   [  17.94,  141.1 ],
                   [  23.93,  190.8 ],
                   [  29.61,  239.9 ],
                   [  35.18,  289.  ],
                   [  40.02,  332.8 ],
                   [  44.82,  378.4 ],
                   [  50.76,  434.8 ],
                   [  55.05,  477.3 ],
                   [  61.01,  536.8 ],
                   [  66.4 ,  593.1 ],
                   [  75.47,  689.1 ],
                   [  81.78,  760.  ]])

    pstd_c = [3.1643950207E+00, 4.2547321834E-06]
    popt_c = [3.3799746163E+02, 3.9039091287E-04]
    SSE_c = 7.5464681533E-02
    Rstd_c = 7.9301471998E-02

    decimal = 5 #accuracy of parameter estimate and standard deviation

    def funct(x, b1, b2):
        return b1 * (1-(1+b2*x/2)**(-2))

    start1 = [500, 0.0001]
    start2 = [300, 0.0002]
    for start in [start1, start2]:
        popt, pcov = curve_fit(funct, x, y, p0=start)
        pstd = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov))
        assert_almost_equal(popt, popt_c, decimal=decimal)
        assert_almost_equal(pstd, pstd_c, decimal=decimal)

test against current version:
from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal

def test_curvefit_old():
    '''test against NIST certified case at

    data =  array([[  10.07,   77.6 ],
                   [  14.73,  114.9 ],
                   [  17.94,  141.1 ],
                   [  23.93,  190.8 ],
                   [  29.61,  239.9 ],
                   [  35.18,  289.  ],
                   [  40.02,  332.8 ],
                   [  44.82,  378.4 ],
                   [  50.76,  434.8 ],
                   [  55.05,  477.3 ],
                   [  61.01,  536.8 ],
                   [  66.4 ,  593.1 ],
                   [  75.47,  689.1 ],
                   [  81.78,  760.  ]])

    pstd_c = [3.1643950207E+00, 4.2547321834E-06]
    popt_c = [3.3799746163E+02, 3.9039091287E-04]
    SSE_c = 7.5464681533E-02
    Rstd_c = 7.9301471998E-02

    decimal = 5 #accuracy of parameter estimate and standard deviation

    def funct(x, b1, b2):
        return b1 * (1-(1+b2*x/2)**(-2))

    start1 = [500, 0.0001]
    start2 = [300, 0.0002]
    for start in [start1, start2]:
        popt, pcov = curve_fit(funct, x, y, p0=start)
        yest = funct(x,popt[0], popt[1])
        SSE = np.sum((y-yest)**2)
        dof = len(y)-len(popt)
        #Residual standard error
        Rstd = np.sqrt(SSE/(len(y)-len(popt)))
        #parameter standard error
        pstd = np.sqrt(SSE/(len(y)-len(popt))*np.diag(pcov))

        assert_almost_equal(popt, popt_c, decimal=decimal)
        assert_almost_equal(pstd, pstd_c, decimal=decimal)
        assert_almost_equal(SSE, SSE_c)
        assert_almost_equal(Rstd, Rstd_c)

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