[SciPy-user] Swig and Numpy arrays

Matthieu Brucher matthieu.brucher at gmail.com
Thu Jan 8 07:41:08 EST 2009

2009/1/8 Justin Bayer <bayer.justin at googlemail.com>:
>> In fact numpy typemaps extract the size of the array, so if I
>> understand correctly, this is what you don't want. So you only have to
>> delete this part of the typemap.
> Is there an elegant way to do this with reusing as much functionality
> of numpy.i as possible?
> I tried to just make my own typemap for this purpose and also a
> typemaps, but moved it out of the "fragment". No some functions which
> are defined in a numpy fragment are missing. %fragment seems to be a
> fairly underdocumented feature of swig, and I don't know how to
> elegantly get access to those functions except copypasting them
> somewhere, which gives me the shivers.

You will have to copy and paste the typemaps.
The other solution is to create a new method with SWIG that will have
additional parameters. The drawback is that you will have an
additional routine level, but there are several advantages: you will
use numpy.i, you can add checks inside your custom method, ...

Information System Engineer, Ph.D.
Website: http://matthieu-brucher.developpez.com/
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