[SciPy-user] scikits.timeseries: unable to stack timeserieswithdifferent number of columns

Dharhas Pothina Dharhas.Pothina at twdb.state.tx.us
Mon Jul 20 09:20:27 EDT 2009

thanks. I'll try that.

- dharhas

>>> Pierre GM <pgmdevlist at gmail.com> 7/17/2009 11:25 AM >>>

On Jul 17, 2009, at 12:18 PM, Dharhas Pothina wrote:

>>>> Pierre GM <pgmdevlist at gmail.com> 7/16/2009 4:21 PM >>>
>> Meanwhile, you could:
>> * make sure that your series are compatible: same frequency, same
>> starting and endings dates, same intervals between the dates
>> * stack the series using ma.column_stack : that gives you a masked  
>> array
>> * view the output as a TimeSeries, and set its dates to the dates of
>> the input.
> not sure if I completely understood this.
> so if I have a_ts and b_ts that are timeseries objects I do
> c = ma.stack_column((a_ts,b_ts))
> then how do I "view the output as a TimeSeries, and set its dates to  
> the dates of the input"

Provided that a_ts and b_ts are compatible (see previous post):
 >>> c_ts = ma.column_stack((a_ts, b_ts))
 >>> c_ts = c_ts..view(ts.TimeSeries)
 >>> c_ts.dates = a_ts.dates

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