[SciPy-user] Building 64bit scipy with ATLAS/LAPACK/UMFPACK in Fedora core 8

Antonino Ingargiola tritemio at gmail.com
Fri Jul 24 05:26:29 EDT 2009

Hi to the list,

I have fedora core 8 64bit in an 8 core server. I've installed the
latest numpy/scipy from sources but using Sfepy[1] I found that the
tests run very slowly.

Here it is the procedure I used to install numpy and scipy. Firstly I installed:


then I downloaded numpy 1.3.0, edited site.cfg adding the following lines:

    include_dirs = /usr/include/suitesparse

and built it with

    python setup.py build
    python setup.py install --prefix=/my/dir

After that I built scipy in exactly the same way (including site.cfg editing).

For umfpack I installed the scikits using "python setup.py install

I can I check if this scipy is correctly using the fast
atlas/lapack/umfpack libraries?

Are there any pitfalls on fedora core 8 regarding the numerical
libraries? I've read that some libraries are broken...

Any help is appreciated.

    ~ Antonio

[1] http://code.google.com/p/sfepy/

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