[SciPy-user] OS-X Universal binary?

Christopher Barker Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
Thu Mar 26 13:34:24 EDT 2009

David Cournapeau wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 2:11 AM, Chris Barker <Chris.Barker at noaa.gov> wrote:
>> OK -- it turns out that the Universal binary has more than just the
>> Universal issue. The extensions depend on libgfortran, too
> Hm, right - that by itself is expected. I guess we never thought about
> it because every developer has gfortran. But surely, it cannot work as
> we do currently.

> That's actually a non trivial problem, unless libgfortran can easily
> be statically linked. Hm...

I don't know how you are building that mpkg, but py2app has code that 
tracks dependencies on non-system libs, includes them, and re-writes the 
binaries to point to the new ones. I think macholib does the later 
magic, but know nothing of the details.

As it happens, I'm off to SciPy in a couple hours, and am going to join 
the MacPython sprint next Monday -- maybe I can find out more about how 
to do that there.

> If you don't mind, can you avoid installing gfortran at all on your
> machine until we find a solution to the problem


> (if you need scipy on
> your machine, installing gfortran would solve the problem in your
> case, but I would like to fix this),

I don't need any of the Fortran stuff right at this moment, so I'll just 
comment out those imports for now.

thanks for working on this -- having a good binary for OS-X would be 
really nice.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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Chris.Barker at noaa.gov

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