[SciPy-user] 'from scipy import linalg' fails

David Cournapeau cournape at gmail.com
Thu May 7 09:34:52 EDT 2009

Hi Igor,

On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 10:07 PM, Klubok, Igor <Igor.Klubok at sac.com> wrote:
> Good morning,
>  I installed scipy 0.7.0 and numpy 1.3.0 on 64bit RedHat Linux 3 ES (kernel
> 2.4.21-37.Elsmp, AMD-based hardware)
>  Since there was a known bug for incomplete blas packags on RedHat, I
> properly compiled lapack 3.1.1 and atlas 3.8.3 and installed the resultant
> files in /usr/local/lib/atlas dir. I set up an env var
> ATLAS=/usr/local/lib/atlas/lib prior to scipy build/install process.

Your ATLAS is not correctly built. Unless you really need the extra
speed, you should use the basic blas/lapack from netlib.org, they are
much easier to build.



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