[SciPy-user] fromfile, item, what other output than stdout / stderr is used ?
Christopher Barker
Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
Mon May 11 14:43:03 EDT 2009
Pauli Virtanen wrote:
> Fromstring raises "ValueError: string is smaller than requested size" if
> the string is too short to contain the requested data. Should fromfile do
> the same,
yes. Or some other exception.
> or do we want to just raise a warning and return fewer items?
maybe, but I don't like that -- you'd have to write code to catch it.
> Or maybe only return fewer items, without a warning?
absolutely not! Then we'd all have to write code to check the result
every time -- yech!
Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax
Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main reception
Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
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