[SciPy-user] scipy.signal.firwin

Jan Rauberg jan.rauberg at gmx.de
Tue May 19 02:24:23 EDT 2009

Jan Rauberg <jan.rauberg <at> gmx.de> writes:

> I'm missing the functionality of firwin like in matlab/octave fir1, so that I
> can give a 'low', 'high' and 'stop' option. I don't know how to create a FIR
> window based high pass filter. Or is there something planned for the future?
> Thank you
> Jan

I've determined that the results of 'firwin' for a low pass filter doesn't give
me the same values as octave or R. So why not simply use the original octave
code of Paul Kienzle and built a scipy variant? The peoples of R have done
exactly the same and you get on both environments the same results, so why not
in python?

Best regards

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